The overall common goal is to take care of the soldiers in the best possible way, when KONSGBERG and RIVAL collaborate on the weapons station productions.
Top-shelf quality and delivery ability is a must in the defense industry and in RIVAL’s collaboration with German KMW.
A strong set-up forms the basis for completely new development opportunities for collaboration with one of the world’s leading robot manufacturer.
RIVAL’s customers in the defence industry place great demands on RIVAL’s employees and machines. Just now, RIVAL has signed a multi-year agreement with a customer to produce components to the armoured Stryker vehicle used in the American Defense.
RIVAL’s new 17 tons DMG MORI NTX 2500 machine works with extreme stability and precision. It works around the clock unmanned with the KUKA robot from QRS.
After several weeks of implementation, the DMG MORI machine and the KUKA robot from Quality Robot Systems (QRS) are now ready to produce critical and costly components with particularly high tolerances to the armoured Stryker vehicle. It happens during evenings and nights only monitored by one employee.
Four parts invent a new production set up
The preparatory work to the production of the components to the Stryker vehicle was initiated several month ago in an innovative collaboration between RIVAL, DMG MORI, the tool manufacturer Seco Tools and QRS. Previously, the components had to go through two turning and milling operations. Now, in the new setup with the DMG MORI machine and the KUKA robot, the entire production is carried out in one fixing. This reduces the time spent as well as the risk of errors.
Reduces the need of quality control
The DMG MORI machine is very special. Due to its weight and size as well as its build-in cooling system, the machine operates with extreme precision – even at many repetitions.
“Extreme precision is an essential element when we have to comply with demanding tolerances over a long production period,” foremann Glenn Scharling says. “Thus, it provides a great advantage in serial productions of complex components to the armoured Stryker and is supported by the machine’s ability to both turn and mill in one fixing.”
Significant streamlining of the production
With the new set-up, both RIVAL and DMG expect to be able to reduce the production time by half. “Since we can avoid having components waiting on pallets before the next operation, the production process is streamlined significantly,” Henrik Holvad says. “It also reduces the risk of errors and streamlines the process of control measuring tolerances in our Zeiss measurement machine. So, we can offer our customers in the defense industry a really good deal, which is also the reason why, we entered into this new agreement.”
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RIVAL has collaborated with customers in the Danish, German and Norwegian defence industry for many years. They appreciate RIVAL’s strengths within development and deliverance of critical components to the customers, and they value quality, documentation, traceability and reliability of delivery higher than the lowest price.
In close collaboration with other sub-suppliers, RIVAL has been responsible for the total supply of advanced parts to a combat vehicle. “In these types of projects, we always take the full responsibility for the project management,” says Christian Aarup from RIVAL. “In this way, we secure the customers, that their orders live up to the agreed terms and that they only have one contact regarding the project.”
System supplies through networks
RIVAL’s collaboration with many customers in the defence industry shows the great importance of being able to work as the system supplier of the customers’ projects. “As system supplier we enjoy the strong network of sub-suppliers, whom we collaborate with, especially within surface finishes, certificated materials and research & development,” says Christian Aarup. “We constantly focus on expanding our network, for which reason our membership of CenSec is important.
Take on responsibility
Today, RIVAL has considerable competencies and experiences, which make it possible for the company to boost big projects with system supplies to the defence industry in collaboration with competent sub-suppliers. “We know that parameters such as reliability of delivery, quality, traceability and close collaboration regarding the projects are important factors to the customers in the defence industry,” says Christian. “Both our employees and sub-suppliers are ready to use their knowledge on new projects in the industry, in which we believe, we can make a productive difference to the customers.”
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RIVAL ind på det norske marked
The Norwegian engine supplier Wartsila increasingly demand RIVAL’s skills in machining operations. This is primarily due to the creativity, skills and efficiency of RIVAL’s staff. A supply ship runs into a pier and has to dock at the Polish port of Szczecin.
Norway is notified and Wartsila’s office has to locate a new spare part as quickly as possible. Shortly after, an e-mail arrives in Benny Soerensen’s inbox at RIVAL with an order for a piston rod. “It had to be done in no time. It costs a lot of money to have a supply ship lying idle. At the same time as they sent the e-mail with the drawings, they shipped the raw material from Norway.
We received that on Tuesday,” says Mr Soerensen, who is the sales manager at RIVAL with responsibility for “difficult” tasks. Staff at RIVAL completed the job in 72 hours. On Friday morning, a special transport service could ship the spare part to Poland, where it was fitted to allow the ship back at sea.
Competitive Denmark
RIVAL is well on the way to conquer the Norwegian offshore market, which is short of companies offering machining operations. Danish companies are known for being flexible and innovative. The relocation of many manufacturing operations to countries with lower costs has forced Danish companies to do things differently.
“Our employees are very conscious of looking for the easiest way to solve a task. This allows us to compete on both time and price.
We have been forced to hange the way we operate because demand has changed. We tell our staff that it is all about the end – not the means – and that we count on our people to achieve the optimum result,” says Mr Soerensen, who has often experienced that Norwegian companies send the special material required for the manufacture of specific items to Denmark, whereupon RIVAL manufactures the item and returns it.
The shipping costs are high, but it shows how great the eed is. “In future, we will probably consider stocking the special stainless steel materials for the offshore industry so we can become even more competitive.”