A strong set-up forms the basis for completely new development opportunities for collaboration with one of the world’s leading robot manufacturer.

Competent feedback on solution methods and tolerances through dialogue with experienced industrial technicians, who know, what they are talking about. That is what BILA wanted, and that is what they got in their collaboration with RIVAL.

RIVAL continually renovates disc brakes for DSB, which were previously discarded. That induces great savings for DSB, it’s good for the environment and it fits perfectly into RIVALs two-sided production strategy.

As part of DSB’s maintenance procedures, all train sets must be inspected continuously. Previously, DSB used to discard the disc brakes even if they only had minimal facings, or if they were distorted. Today, RIVAL renovates the disc brakes and that induces million savings for DSB.

We seized the opportunity
Sales director Christian Aarup and Benny Sørensen visited DSB’s maintenance workshop, which RIVAL has worked with previously to renovate main shafts. “During the visit, we walked through the workshop and we passed the disc brakes,” says Christian Aarup. “We talked about the possibility to renovate the brakes and we offered to figure out how to put together the optimal solution.”

Controlled procedures and documentation
Over a longer period, RIVAL worked on maturing a processing method to renovate the disc brakes collaborating with DSB’s safety department to make sure that everything complied with DSB’s requirements, rules and safety regulations. At the same time, RIVAL produced the relevant documentation, which is one of DSB’s requirements.

Successful two-sided production strategy
The disc brakes are processed at all hours at RIVAL. Today, RIVAL has processed around 1000 sets of brakes. “It is an example of a component, which can be processed in the evening and during the night, when the processing method has been implemented correctly,” says Christian Aarup. “It fits perfectly into our two-sided production strategy, in which we process less advanced components during evenings, nights and weekends than those we normally focus on during the day. It’s a win-win situation for both RIVAL and our customers.”

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Just now, a four-man team from RIVAL has travelled the long journey to Cuba to install new equipment and train the Cuban employees in using it. Soon to be 10 years ago, RIVAL delivered the first moulds to the Cuban customer, and recently the Cubans decided to extend the assortment with bigger moulds.

Back in 2010, RIVAL produced and installed 28 moulds with the size of Ø200 – Ø1000 mm at Ciego Plast, which is located in the middle of Cuba and about 400 km from the capital Havana. The moulds are applied at the company’s extrusion line, and they are easy to replace with the pipe tool, when the production changes from pipes to flanges.

Moulds and CNC-machine
“This time around, the customer has bought two Ø1200 mm moulds from us as well as our CNC-machine,” RIVAL’s owner Henrik Holvad says. “The mould solution is ideal to the production of flanges and spacers. It provides a more effective utilisation of their production machinery to a much lower price than the alternative, which would be to make a big investment in an injection moulding machine with instruments.”

With the newly installed CNC-machine, the customer can complete the moulded flanges in-house. Previously, they had to send all the components off-site, which caused many delays and erratic quality.

A strong team
RIVAL’s very experienced and long-time group manager, Torben Pedersen, went to Cuba with Martin Højvang Pedersen and apprentice Kristian Bilstrup from RIVAL to install the CNC-machine in the customer’s production area. However, the Cubans only speak Spanish, which none of the three guys can brag about. Therefore, Kathrine Nielsen went with the three guys to act as interpreter.

Torben, Martin and Kristian all contributed with their different skills, and they supplemented each other well. Torben has produced many moulds, and he knows everything there is to know about them and the CNC-machine. Martin used to be a tractor mechanic, and he knows how to solve many tasks with only a few resources. “Give the man a bended nail and some cable ties, and he can do everything,” Torben says. “However, despite the fact that we tried to predict potential complications before we left, we were aware that we would enter situations, in which we needed something, we couldn’t get. In those situations, Martin’s skills were indispensable. Kristian is always full of energy, and he solves the jobs, we give him, quickly and efficiently.”


Indispensable interpreter
The 24-year-old student Kathrine joined the team and acted as interpreter. She speaks Spanish fluently as a result of having spent a year studying abroad in Chile. Torben told her, which technical terms, she needed to practice from home. Therefore, he introduced Kathrine to all the technical stuff at RIVAL, and she participated in the preliminary meetings with the Cubans during the sales process.

“Kathrine did an amazing job,” Torben says. “She successfully translated my explanations to the Cubans in Spanish as well as translating their questions to Danish.”

Education, installation and a goodbye to an old friend
Torben has spent many months in the moulds production, and he prepared the installation and education before he went to Cuba. At the same time, he had to prepare himself to saying good to the CNC-machine, he had “collaborated with” for many years at RIVAL.

“We have followed each other for many years, so it almost felt like saying goodbye to an old friend,” Torben says. “Therefore, it feels good that I went to Cuba to see its’ new home.”

A great experience
RIVAL’s 17-year-old apprentice Kristian had been looking forward to going to Cuba for many years. “Since the day Torben told me I was going to Cuba, I asked him every day, when we were going and if he was a hundred percent sure that I was going,” Kristian says.

“It was very cool to go to Cuba an experience how different their system is compared to ours,” Kristian says. “It doesn’t work well with my temper, because everything is going so slow and is not as effective compared to back home. However, it was very nice to experience the country, and I learned a lot from the many professional challenges, I had to solve. Also, we had a lot of fun in the group that went.”

We make a difference
The trip to Cuba was a great experience to the team, which has worked hard and for many hours, while they were gone, which the customer appreciated. “In this job, we could really make a difference to our customer due to our competencies, tools and machines,” Torben says. “The Cubans really wanted to learn from us, and they produce nice products despite the fact that their production is in no way comparable to ours. It was a big experience to see – yet it does feel good to be back in Denmark again.”

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Product development, design and production are all parts of the collaboration between Certego and RIVAL. Just now, Certego has requested special skills at all of these areas.

The concrete result of the development collaboration is a 2018 version key box that meets the demands and needs of the markets. RIVAL is responsible for the current production of Certegos’ new key box, for which reason a framework agreement has been entered for the coming year.

Certego is a part of Assa Abloy and has more than 45 years of experience in the lock business. The company offers classic lock-services as well as customised solutions to securing private homes, companies and institutions.

Focus on core competencies
“Previously, we were in charge of the development and production of the key boxes ourselves,” says region manager Daniel Kjær Sørensen from Certego.“ However, it was by no means our main competency. We know, what the market wants, but we needed to transform the idea into the best possible product with a nice design, a good economy and produced in the best possible way. To meet those criteria, we found that RIVAL was the perfect collaborator.”

Strong trio
In the development of the new key box, Daniel has worked closely together with RIVAL’s development engineer Esben Sarenbæk and sales director Christian Aarup. “It has been very valuable to experience the way Esben has captured our ideas and converted them into a product-matured design to be applied in the production,” says Daniel. “At the same time, RIVAL’s competent know of material has provided new design and construction options, which we have not considered before.”

Meet the demands of the market
The newly developed key box meets the market’s demands on strength, flexibility and economy. “It is an exciting task to get a good idea converted into a quality product, which meets the demands on strength and flexibility and has a reasonable economy at the same time,“ says Daniel. “Our new key box is approved with a grade 3 certificate, which the insurance business demands, and that means it withstands the market’s high demands on security and large test loads, which a quality key box must be able to. At the same time, the key box is built to fit different key systems easily.”

Multi-annual framework agreement provides security
Certego has entered into a framework agreement with RIVAL regarding the production of the key boxes. “It provides us with a flexibility and a great economy that RIVAL produces key boxes for us complying with the definite plan and stores the boxes subsequently,” says Daniel. “Then, we can request the number of boxes that we need continuously. The high delivery reliability gives us security in the daily work.”

The collaboration continues
The new key box has entered the marked and the response from Certegos’ customers has been positive. That applies to customers from construction sites, hotels, cleaning services and in the Federal Emergency Management Agency. “We are very pleased with the collaboration with RIVAL, which has boosted the quality of our product significantly,” says Daniel. “We continue the development collaboration and we bring focus on boosting our key pipes to the 2018 standards, which the market demands.”

More news

Framework agreement with Svendborg Brakes on advanced serial production

RIVAL has for several years had long-term framework agreements worth millions with Svendborg Brakes. It takes control of documentation and quality, which RIVAL can honor.

Supply Chain Supervisor John Helskov Hansen from Svendborg Brakes has known RIVAL for many years, and the company was one of the first that appeared on the retina when Svendborg Brakes had to find a new partner for long-term agreements on the production of particular Brake houses and brake calipers.

Control of the quality
Svendborg Brakes manufactures brake systems for wind, offshore, crane and mining industry. “For us it is crucial that there is control of the quality of the items we receive from our suppliers, since it also has great significance for our customers,” said John Helskov Hansen. “Here we have really good experience with RIVAL. Over the past few years we have been produced many topics with them, there has actually been something to postpone the quality. It is also our experience that the overall economy is sensible. The price will always be up for discussion, but we have a feeling that we get a really good value for money. ”

Cost Optimal production
Svendborg Brakes has concluded several framework agreements with RIVAL on the production of brake houses and brake calipers. “Prior to the agreements we have made several test series and has focused on documentation, certificates and measurement reports,” says sales manager Christian Aarup from RIVAL. “It is important for both the customer and us that all the preconditions are in place before we start the large serial productions. It provides the most secure quality and cost optimal production for the benefit of both parties.”

Development of new surface
As a part of the collaboration, RIVAL has also been a sparring partner for Svendborg Brakes concerning the choice of a new surface for a stamp. “It is a great advantage for us that RIVAL also have the skills to be part of such a development,” says John Helskov Hansen. “In this way we can collect both development and production in one place, which facilitates the whole process for us.”

The RIVAL package

“In a task like this, we also focus on offering the customer the relevant parts of The RIVAL package,” says Christian Aarup. “We have in this case been very aware of that we add the customer the greatest value by thinking development, documentation, quality, delivery performance and price together into a package that exactly fits Svendborg Brakes.”

Continued cooperation
The incoming framework agreements between Svendborg Brakes and RIVAL runs according to plan. “When the agreements expire, we take them always under review, as our needs may have changed, and for example, be produced completely different topics,” says John Helskov Hansen. “However, I am convinced that we will continue to enter into agreements with RIVAL. We are very satisfied with their skills and the quality they provide. It is also a big plus that we know each other well and can always talk to us rightly about things. ”