Vision and mission


RIVAL is recognised by customers with both high machining demands and a professional organisation as a productive supplier, who dares to take on full responsibility for the customer’s project and delivers exactly WHAT has been agreed. We operate with consideration for a sustainable and safe society.

High machining requirements =
We meet the customer’s requirements and expectations for machined components, whether it is about narrow tolerances and GPS objectives, CMM verification, documentation requirements, quality or delivery reliability.

We always offer good craftsmanship, and our employees have a natural interest in how the customers will make use of the components in the end. That is valuable knowledge in their work to make sure that the components always match the customers’ needs.

A professional organisation =
We live up to our customers’ expectations in terms of being able to enter into a competent dialogue at all levels and provide a complete team of contacts (CEO speaks with CEO, sales with procurement, technician with technician, quality with quality etc.)

We have business know-how at all levels, and we can place the customer’s individual project within a wider context. We know the importance of being in control of quality, procedures, deviations and documents – as well as all the legal stuff such as contracts.

Our employees are skilled within language and culture, and they speak multiple languages such as English and German. We have a good appreciation of cultural differences and how to work together across cultures.

Productive supplier =
A collaboration with RIVAL adds substantial value to the final solution. We have start-up meetings on all projects to get things initiated in the right way and in the right order. This creates a good basis for a good collaboration, in which the customer receives the agreed product in the right quality delivered at the agreed time.

We prioritise transparent partnerships with both customers and suppliers as well as close collaborations on finding the right solutions. With an “open book” calculation, we ensure the optimal “total cost of ownership”.

We care about quality control and documentation. This means that the customer saves resources internally when collaborating with RIVAL.

Dares to take on full responsibility =
Our competence, experience and well-organised internal collaboration combined with a solid subcontracting collaboration means that we are able to take on full responsibility for the customers’ solutions – supporting them all the way and taking on co-responsibility for potential risks.

We know, the customers don’t bother listening to bad excuses.

Our employees dare to make decisions because they are confident that our structure, processes and organisation can manage the full project. This also applies to areas such as the purchase of raw materials, surface treatment by subcontractors and inventory levels of both pieces and finished components.

Delivering the agreed =
High quality goals, fixed procedures and internal start-up meetings are important prerequisites in terms of being able to deliver exactly what, we have agreed with the customer.

Our start-up meetings are important in order to work with the FMVA method, in which we make a slavish risk assessment of the individual projects. It forms a good basis of being able to take challenges into account up-front. At the same time, we share our knowledge about the individual projects – and not least what the components will be used for in the end. That gives our employees the opportunity to incorporate the knowledge into their daily work.

Our highly competent employees are crucial to our success, because they know how to work based on our quality objectives, ISO procedures and quality policy.

We operate with consideration for a sustainable and safe society =
We work to minimize our CO2 footprint every day. We operate to do so in-house and we put sustainability on the agenda in our external partnerships. Our production of critical and costly components often has the overall goal of creating a safer society both now and in the future.


With our strong social community and corps spirit, we create both a unique workplace and a productive basis for the development and production of the customer’s components based on a high level of professionalism and understanding of the customer’s business.

Strong social community and corps spirit =
At RIVAL we are a big family. We stick together and support each other. We think “we” before “I”, and always do our best. We are ready to take one for the team, because we know everyone would do the same.

This applies to everyone in the company: the management, mentors, new and “old” employees. We all need to make room for new people in our community, and new people have to be open to stepping into it.

We have a shared interest in making each other better and help paving the way for others to succeed – rather than just focusing on our own one-man performances.

Unique workplace =
The employees at RIVAL want to and dare to offer their competencies and opinions – and they respect those, who have other opinions. Everyone takes part in our social community as it is a valuable basis for creating the very best workplace, which also focuses on reducing the CO2 footprint.

We both offer and receive education and training, because it improves both the individual employee and RIVAL as a whole.

We have the liberty to take on responsibility for our work, and we are ready to receive inputs from the management and from our colleagues, both when we are doing well and when there is room for improvement.

Productive foundation =
We take good care of each other and do things right the first time, when we produce the customers’ components. That is the reason why we are able to create a valuable workplace and valuable solutions for our customers.

That’s why these areas are the most crucial to maximise: Safety before business, quality, delivery ability and productivity.

Professional competency =
As colleagues at RIVAL, we help each other in the daily work. We dare – and make room for asking “stupid” questions, because the answers can provide new knowledge for all of us.

Our highly experienced and competent employees are ready to share their knowledge with their colleagues, because they know, it benefits the community.

At the same time, we also invite external collaborators in on those areas, where we do not have the main competence, because we believe, we can be champions together.

Understanding the customer’s business =
We have business know-how at all levels and can see the customer’s project in a larger context. We know the importance of being in control of quality, procedures, deviations and documents – and not least knowing what the customer’s components will be used for in the end.

See references

Svendborg Brakes

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RIVAL has for several years had long-term framework agreements worth millions with Svendborg Brakes. It takes control of documentation and quality, which RIVAL can honor.

Grundfos, Serbia

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RIVAL’s competencies in processing aluminium materials, creative mind-set, honest manner and practical experience have been major factors for the development, product maturing and introduction of Grundfos’ new pump production in Serbia.

Fuel pots for F-35

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RIVAL’s two YCM machining centres operate with extreme precision, even with narrow tolerances. RIVAL’s high reliability of delivery and sound employee competencies were crucial factors that led to RIVAL being selected as the supplier of machined sub-components for the large fuel pots, which are fitted under the F-35 fighter jet.

GE Oil & Gas, Norway

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Vetco Gray, which is part of the giant GE Oil & Gas increasingly demand RIVAL’s skills in machining operations.