At RIVAL, serial production and one-off production of critical and costly components to demanding customers go hand in hand. The two-sided production strategy has turned out to be a good move. However, it must never be at the expense of quality. That places ongoing demands on the internal systems and procedures at RIVAL.
Unique skills, high quality and delivery on time as well as a very special culture have been RIVAL’s qualities for many years. These have in recent years been supplemented with production round the clock – also in large series. At the same time, a new type of employee has been welcomed.
RIVAL will learn from the best
Implementing high-quality serial production, which runs 24 hours a day, is a demanding and very educational process at RIVAL. “We have always made a great effort with what we do,” CEO and owner Henrik Holvad says. “The two-sided production strategy is a very valuable opportunity for our customers as well as for RIVAL. We are aware that it places new demands on us, as we continue to be the guarantor for the customer’s components and deliver exactly, what has been agreed.
To be dressed the best way possible, we look at those, who have succeeded with high-quality serial production 24/7. We have decided to learn from them, and we will do so in close collaboration with our quality coordinator Torben Bech.”
The vision keeps RIVAL on the right track
RIVAL has stated a clear vision:
“RIVAL is recognised by customers with high machining demands
and a professional organisation as a productive supplier,
who dares to take on full responsibility for the customer’s project
and deliver exactly, what has been agreed.”
“Intentionally, we have set the bar high by specifying that we will deliver exactly, what has been agreed. It is the alpha and omega for our customers,” Henrik Holvad says. “This applies to both one-off and serial production and regardless of whether the components are produced during the day, evening or night. It poses challenges, which we can only solve by getting even better control of our processes and procedures. High-quality goals, standard procedures and internal start-up meetings are important prerequisites for us to deliver exactly, what we have agreed with the customer.”
Continuous focus on quality
Many years of experience show that employees with unique skills more often prefer to work during the day. Therefore, there has been made a set-up with a strong machinery at RIVAL, so that the “good old” employees in collaboration with those of the new employees, who work in the evenings and at night, can complete the production 24/7.
It places high demands on processes and procedures to make sure that everything runs as planned 24/7. Therefore, there is a continuous focus on further development of management systems, which is why the work with Torben Bech has been intensified and a new management system 1factory has been implemented. “The new software offers us a very special opportunity to collect and use data actively in our learning. We must learn from both the things that go well and those that do not. Only by doing so, we can become even better,” Henrik Holvad says and continues:
It hurts and costs, when we fail
“Mistakes can’t be avoided, but it hurts our employees, when mistakes happen. They know that mistakes have consequences both to our customers and to RIVAL in terms of reputation and economy.”
But at the same time, RIVAL’s employees have a stubbornness, which means they will do everything they can to make sure the customer does not notice the mistake. But it costs – on the economy, in overtime and in absence from the family.
Positive feedback from customers
The collaborations between RIVAL and the customers are strong and transparent. It is valuable for both parties that both the customer and RIVAL can speak openly about the challenges, they face, and work together to solve them in the best possible way. It works really well in practice.
“We are incredibly proud that our customers commend us for playing an important role in fulfilling their internal KPIs and thus reaching their goals. It shows, that we do many things right,” Henrik Holvad says. “We work daily to make ourselves even better. Processes and procedures, together with our skilled employees, are the crucial factors in this work.”
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