We must make wise choices

Group leader Allan Mikkelsen has been with RIVAL for over 10 years. He is one of RIVAL’s strongest CNC experts. He possesses a vast knowledge about the work of producing critical and costly items.

‘What we are all chasing is more spindle time, and that can be through our planning, use of robots, increased digitization (VERICUT) or something completely different,’ Allan says. ‘The crucial thing must be that we make wise choices and choose the solutions that create the most value.

I have just spent several days planning the next production of items. It has been an extensive job with programming and preparation of more than 50 tools. I have been able to do this alongside my machine producing a larger series of items.

This has not required a stop on the machine to be ready for the next order. This is a good example of what planning can do – knowing that it is not always possible. I see many advantages in implementing VERICUT, as it allows us to find the required tools faster. This is especially an advantage for small series. But it is also a cost-intensive solution, as it will require a lot of tools in our storage cabinets.'”