… these are three important qualities for the employees at RIVAL.

“Sometimes you win – sometimes you learn” is a quote by the American author, pastor and management expert John C. Maxwell. Henrik Holvad has taken the quote to heart and worked to implement it in RIVAL’s practice, as it fits in well with the mindset at RIVAL.

He elaborates on the background here: “Every day, our employees make sure that our produced components meet with the customer’s demands. However, mistakes will happen, and we must be open to learn from them.
An “operator error” can quickly be a sleeping pad, and instead we have to get to the bottom of the actual error. Therefore, we work with Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and encourage all our employees to proactively get to the bottom of the causes, so we can learn from them – and get them fixed.”

Recently, our talented employee Thomas Roland has come up with his suggestion to succeed.

• Training, education, training
• Control, control, control

“Of course, no one makes mistakes on purpose – it happens to all of us. But when it does happen, it is a real pity for RIVAL, the customers and not least the employee, who had his/her hands on it,” Thomas says and continues:
“It’s always best, when you discover a mistake yourself and have the opportunity to fix it. It requires that you take on responsibility, get involved in the customer’s project and want to learn.”

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